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Short Course:
EuCAP 2024 

Prof. Scarborough will be teaching a short course on 03/22/24 entitled “Modeling and Design of Space-Time Modulated Electromagnetic Structures” at the 18th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation. The course will be taught in conjunction with Prof. Anthony Grbic at the University of Michigan. Space-time modulation (STM) has recently emerged as an avenue to achieve practical electromagnetic functions such as isolation, circulation, frequency-mixing, and amplification. In this short course, participants will learn modelling techniques and design considerations for STM devices including modulated metasurfaces, nonlinear transmission lines, and space-time periodic electrical networks. The course will provide a background on the fundamental capabilities and behavior of STM. Modern research advances will also be presented including recent demonstrations, theoretical developments, and novel applications. 

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Best Paper: Metamaterials 2021 

"Scarborough was recognized for his work developing a more efficient method to convert signals to higher frequencies, benefiting applications that require very low power and low noise." 

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Best Paper:
EuCAP 2021 

"Scarborough was recognized by the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation for developing a superior method to model and simulate traveling-wave modulation along two dimensions in metamaterials." 

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Exceptional Student Contributions: Metamaterials 2020

"Scarborough was recognized for his work advancing the understanding and study of electromagnetic waves." 

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